Monday, June 16, 2008

Yeah, no big deal or whatever

Yeah, that's my P-I credentials and notebook and all that good stuff. So, week one came and went. Pretty good first week, if I do say so myself. So, as the great Clay Lomneth once wrote, "What have I learned?" Here's all I got:

1) The shots of food on the covers of magazines like Good Housekeeping are called "food porn shots."
2) No one who lives in Seattle was born in Seattle.
3) I am supposed the hate the Seattle Times with every fiber of my being.
4) There is such a thing as "not liberal enough."
5) Never tell anyone that you are an intern.


Anonymous said...

Molly, love the post, credentials and the notebook. And you're learning interesting things!

blanket factory said...

gotta love those glitter pens

Bob Al-Greene said...

The Food Network: Porn for Fat People.

Zachami said...

I still don't have credentials for the Journal Star. They really need to get their shit together.

Molly said...

Fuck. Credentials are the best part. I want to wear them to sleep, they make me feel so cool.