Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hurray, my first story!


So, I would post the story here, but I want to get hits on the website. Every day there is a top ten most read stories on the web, and I want mine to be on it.

Anywho, loved it. Loved it. Loved it. 300 naked bicyclists who I got to interview as they were preparing in the morning. Now that's a good day at work.

(more photos on Facebook)


Clay Lomneth said...

That's excellent, haha. You blog is becoming nipple-infested.

blanket factory said...

i wish i could draw hands too. i love that lady's silvery boobs. put some more drawings up, i miss your fucking comics. talk to ed, we want to do a split zine with you, and your work about our work, and we want to make work (i just accidentally typed "we want to make out") about your work, and itll be so fucking POST MODERN (just kdding)but itll be so fun and self obsessive. because we already have so much stuff about each other. i hear weird sounds in my backyard. bye

Patrick Breen said...

nice story. love the little kid in the lead. i kinda of thought the dad would say, "little timmy, this is the only reason i come to this goddamn parade."

Zachami said...

nice 51 comments on that story, too.