Tuesday, February 26, 2008

LOG Jammin'

To all those who read this (Abby, Ed and Toby) I want to let you all know how effing excited I am to come up and see you's all. I wanted to make you all comics to present at the LOG show, but this week is midterms and I haven't studied an ounce.

But, as I always say, there's always time for comics. Anywho, just wanted to let you all know how much I'm looking forward to my trip up Nawth, and hopefully Bob and Maddigan will have a good time too. Look forward to seeing you (especially Willoughby).

bye, BYE.


blanket factory said...

:( I WANT YOU TO STAY ALL WEEK. oh well. okay when you come to visit, you HAVE To wtach toby's movie from highschgool. you will DIE> i am so excited to seeee youuuuuuu. you and bob should stay longer. PLEASE??? PLEASE???? okay bye!

Molly said...

I've already seen it.

Ed Choy Moorman said...

I made that same joke, but specifically referencing The Big Lebowksi.

I second what Abby says, except replace 'week' with 'year' and replace year with 'life' and then replace 'all' with 'my whole'.
