Monday, April 30, 2012

Dating particularities

The other night my friend Saadia (see post below) were talking about dating... I think. The conversation is a bit hazy. I remember her saying something about how she could never date someone who wasn't really really into literature or something to that effect.

I went back to my room and I think began writing a blog post, or at least what was to become a blog post had I not fallen asleep. I am thinking this was meant to be a list of things I could never see as attractive in another person.

So I woke up the next morning, turned on the computer and opened text edit to start some work. And a text edit window opened, blank except for one single line.

"I could never date someone who listens to James Taylor."

Ha! What else would you need for a solid list of dating requirements? The rest kind of fall into line after that. I f someone is an actual, true blue fan of JT, then you probably can deduce that they are boring, shallow and lost in the way wrong decade.

I believe, and I think the great Christopher Hitchens would agree, sometimes a bit of the drink helps one see much more clearly.

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