Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Baby love, ooh ooh baby love

So these are two of the three that actually were published in the Creightonian. I have about 90 more that will make you vomit they're so cute. VOMIT. I might put up more later, because I have been slow on the whole producing anything artistic lately.

These were taken at Precious Memories day care. We did a story on Verna the owner, and how Creighton students help her keep the place up and running.

To answer Abby's questions:
1. I definately saw Chuck Berry. I didn't see him from inside the venue, I saw him from the parking garage next to the venue. Free. Legal. Wonderful.
2. Yes He's black. He was born that way.
3. His signature dance step is the duck walk, which you can witness here.
4. My hair is up in a pony tail and hadn't been washed in a duck walk. You can cut it for me when you come home
5. Chuck Berry pancakes are pancakes with fresh blueberries topped with raspberry sauce. They are so real and so delicious.

Anybody who lives in or near Omaha can feel free to come over and have a Chuck Berry party with me this weekend. It could get freaky.


abigail said...

p.s. you LOOK like vincent vega in that picture of you eating the pancakey.

Ed Choy Moorman said...

holy lord I wish.